This website is a platform for artist Patrick Chen. Its purpose is to showcase Patrick’s artworks, which are exploratory, conceptual, transformative, intense and multi-dimensional in nature.

Feeling, intuition, consciousness, subconscious and originality are the five major philosophical foundations of artistic creations. Patrick’s paintings express his understanding of nature and society, and material and spirit. His paint brushes are extensions of his mind, where he leverages to express ideas and feelings from an artistic perspective.

Especially after immigrating to Canada, he got rid of the secular, commercialized, and political factors, and truly devoted himself to painting, teaching, and preaching his artistic philosophies to his students. Whether it is descriptive painting, abstract, mixed media painting or so on, his works embodies western painting concepts while showcase the diversity of paining materials Aesthetically, Patrick’s works are far away from the concern of the theme painting, instead emphasize the basic form elements of visual creation, the subjective initiative of the picture, and the inherent order and harmony of his work.

本網站是藝術家陳學文 (Patrick Chen) 的展示平臺。主要致力於宣傳、推介陳學文的有傳承,有探索,有觀念,有變革,有深度,多元的繪畫藝術作品。

感覺、直覺、意識、潛意識、獨創性這五大要素可謂是藝術創作的哲學基礎。陳學文的繪畫從藝術層面上記錄了畫家認識自然與社會,物質與精神,用畫筆表達觀念及情感的一種特殊方式。特別是移民加拿大以後,畫家擺脫了世俗、商業化、政治等因素,“潛心作畫,潛心傳道,授業”。其作品從寫實到抽象,到综合媒材等, 都留下了西方繪畫觀念及繪畫材料多樣性的烙印。在美學上遠離了對主題繪畫的關註,而強調視覺造象的基本形式要素,強調畫面的主觀能動性,強調其作品內在的法度與和諧,繪畫轉向了畫家深層的理解,感受與求索。

Media Appearances / 藝術推廣

Patrick Chen's media appearances on various platform in the form of interviews, news articles, and publications:

  • China Central Television, Central Studio of News Reels Production,
    Yellow River Satellite TV, Liaoning TV station, Canadian Talentvision TV

  • Xinhua Publishing House, China Photographic Publishing House, Liaoning Fine Arts Publishing House, Heilongjiang Fine Arts Publishing House, Peninsula Audio and Video Publishing House, Liaoning University Press, Beijing Huaye Press

  • “Mei Yuan”, “Art Panorama”, “The Art World”, “International Communication”, U.S.A “International Artist”, “China Fortune”, Germany “Art Scene International”, Canada “Ming News”, “Sing Tao Daily”

  • National Art Museum of China, Art Museum of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, Art Gallery of Hanyang University, Liaoning Art Gallery, Niigata Prefectural Museum of Modern Art in Japan, Japan Fuyou Gallery, Singapore Riverside Art Center, Canada East Art Gallery, Alexis Gallery, Toronto Art Show


  • 中國中央電視臺、中央新聞紀錄電影制片廠、黃河電視臺、遼寧電視臺、加拿大城市電視臺

  • 中國新華出版社、中國攝影出版社、遼寧美術出版社、黑龍江美術出版社、半島音像出版社、遼寧大學出版社、北京華業出版社

  • 《美苑》、《美術大觀》、《藝術世界》、《國際交流》、美國《International Artist》、《China Fortune》、德國《 Art Scene International》、加拿大《明報》、《星島日報》

  • 中國美術館、魯迅美術學院美術館、韓國漢陽大學美術館、遼寧美術館畫廊、日本新瀉縣立近代美術館、日本富有畫舫、新加坡河畔藝術中心、加拿大 East Art Gallery、Alexis Gallery、Toronto Art Show